All-State Orchestra Audition Material
Below are links to the official listing of the Orchestra Division All-State audition material.
Region and Area contests that lead to All-State will use this music.
All amendments, corrections and errata will become official only when it is published there.
The TMEA website is the official location for errata postings.
Please check back as it will be updated as needed until September 1.
No errata changes will be made after September 1.
Etude Books
Click here for the official list of all books used in considering audition material.
Click here to view the books selected for the 2024–2025 All-State Orchestra auditions.
Available April 15 at 8:00 am.
Etude List
Click here to view the etudes selected for the 2024–2025 All-State Orchestra auditions.
Available May 1 at Noon (CDT).
All-State Orchestra Excerpts and Errata
Click here (TMEA member director/sponsor only) to log in and download excerpt files. Due to copyright restrictions and requests from copyright holders, excerpts require a TMEA Login to view and download the files. TMEA member director/sponsors must download the files and provide the excerpts and errata to students they are sponsoring in the audition process.
Available August 1 at Noon (CDT).
Pre-Area and Area Recording Cuts
Get the cuts for Pre-Area and Area recordings. Due to copyright restrictions, access to the cuts will require a TMEA membership. TMEA member director/sponsors must log in and download the files and provide the cuts to students they are sponsoring in the audition process.
All-State Chairing Audition Cuts
Get the cuts for All-State Chairing Auditions. Due to copyright restrictions, access to the cuts will require a TMEA membership. TMEA member director/sponsors must log in to download the files and provide the cuts to students they are sponsoring in the audition process.
All-State students should log in to their All-State Dashboard to access the cuts.
2025 Specialty Instruments
If needed, specialty instruments will be announced in September.
Note: Contra-bassoon is no longer considered a specialty instrument. Contra-bassoons are auditioned through the Region and Area Band process.
Click here for form and instructions for submitting a recording.