All-State Orchestra Audition Excerpts
Below are the 2024–2025 excerpts for each instrument.
Due to copyright restrictions and requests from copyright holders, audition material is only available to logged in TMEA Active and Life type members. TMEA member director/sponsors must log in, download the files, and provide the excerpts to students they are sponsoring in the audition process.
If you are a student, contact your director to get the audition music.
Errata is listed below.
- None at this time
- Excerpt #1 - Concerto for Orchestra, Bartok
- The tempo fluctuation at "Calmo" should be observed (posted 8/6)
- Starting dynamic is p (posted 8/6)
- Excerpt #3 - Dances of Galante, Kodaly
- Starting dynamic is mp (posted 8/6)
- Excerpt #1 - Concerto for Orchestra - Bartok
- Clarification - M. 437-439 are slurred up bow (posted 8/8)
- Maximum playback time = 1:08 (posted 9/26)
- Excerpt #3 - Dances of Galante, Kodaly
- The tempo should read: Quarter Note = 66-72 (posted 8/1)
String Bass
- Excerpt #1 - Concert for Orchestra – Bartok Movement 1, Introduzione
- M. 46 - play top note only (posted 8/20)
- Excerpt #2 - Dances of Galante, Kodaly
- Ms. 467-469: play the top notes (posted 8/1)
- Ms. 502-505 are non-divisi. Play both notes. (posted 8/12)
- Excerpt #3 - Gade
- 11 measures after E, add an accent to both dotted quarter notes in this measure (posted (8/31)
- 11 measures before F, the first accent mark should be on the second note of the measure (posted (8/31)
- Maximum playback time = 1:24 (posted 9/26)
- Excerpt #3 - Echoes of Ossian Overture, Niels Gade
- Tempo should read: Quarter Note = 78-84 (posted 8/15)
- None at this time