All-State Small School Mixed Choir

Entering Students to an All-State Path Audition

Updated March 2020.

This 112-member All-State choir is for students in 1A–4A schools.

Directors from 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A schools have the option to enter their students in the audition process in either the Large School Choir (LSC) or Small School Choir (SSC) track. When students are entered online in the TMEA audition entry program, the director will select each student’s audition track (LSC or SSC) and their voice part (LSC: S1, S2, A1, A2, T1, T2, B1, B2; SSC: S, A, T, B). This decision will be made on a student-by-student basis, and each student will be able to audition in only one track. Directors are not required to designate a single track for all students in their school.

Region entry fees are determined by each Region, as published in the respective Region audition policies and procedures.

Repertoire for Auditions

The SSC will have an independent audition packet with SATB repertoire.
The LSC will have an independent audition packet with SATB, SSAA, and TTBB repertoire.

It is the responsibility of each SSC and LSC Region to decide what will be included in the SSC and LSC audition track. All pieces designated for SSC and LSC auditions must be auditioned or performed prior to the final round in January (exception: those designated as Area pieces could be reserved for the final round).

EERC has produced separate SSC and LSC All-State repertoire tracks for purchase.

Audition Paths

All students will audition in their respective tracks and voice parts.

  • SSC:
    • There shall be no less than two and no more than three auditions during the entire All-State Choir selection process. The 3-audition format shall be called Region, Pre-Area and Area.
    • Each SSC Region audition shall determine who is selected to participate in the Region SSC Choir concert and continue in the next audition level (either Pre-Area or Area).
    • The SSC Pre-Area audition shall determine who is selected to participate in the SSC Area audition which will select the All-State Small School Mixed Choir.  Each Region may certify as many as 8 candidates on each of the 4 voice parts for the SSC Area audition.
  • LSC:
    • There shall be no less than three and no more than four auditions during the entire All-State Choir selection process.
    • Each LSC Region shall determine the number of students to be selected at the District and Region Choir auditions.  The 3-audition format shall be called Region, Pre-Area and Area.  The 4-audition format shall be called District, Region, Pre-Area and Area.
    • The Pre-Area audition shall determine who is selected to participate in the LSC Area audition which will select the All-State Mixed, Treble and Tenor-Bass Choir members.  Each Region may certify as many as five candidates on each of the 8 voice parts for the LSC Area audition.
Region Choir / Area Audition

SSC auditions will be conducted in 15 Regions and 5 Areas. (Some Regions may combine for the clinic/concert event.)
LSC audition will be conducted in 32 Regions and 8 Areas.

The SSC and LSC Regions and Areas are defined on this page: 2024-2026 Alignments

Each SSC and LSC Region will designate how many chairs in the respective Region Choir(s). This will be a Region-specific decision based on the needs of that particular Region.

Region and Area alignments are based on student participation in their Region’s audition process for the previous two years and shall be reviewed biannually by the TMEA Executive Board.

The number of students selected to All-State for SSC and LSC from each Area to All-State will be determined by apportionment.

2024–2026 Vocal LSC Apportionment
2024–2026 Vocal SSC Apportionment

SSC and LSC Area auditions will take place on the same day and at the same site as currently set by TMEA.

After results are announced at the Area Audition, SSC and LSC All-State candidates will have the required meeting in which they receive their packets (supplemental music and information for the TMEA Convention).

The TMEA Area audition fee for SSC and LSC is $7 per student and is billed to each Region from the TMEA Headquarters..
TMEA All-State membership fee is $30.00 per student.

Alternate Policy

TMEA Alternate Policy: Alternates will be called in rank order from the preceding audition event.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the TMEA State Vocal Chair.