Membership Policies
Anyone who teaches music or simply wants to support the work of our association may become a TMEA member, following the policies below. Some TMEA programs require a current membership for participation.
Membership Types
- Active Members: For members who teach music in any school setting, teach private lessons, are a music minister, or are a parent sponsoring a homeschooled child in TMEA auditions. If pursuing a degree while working in one of these capacities, you should still maintain Active membership.
- Retired: For members who have retired from employment related to music education activities. Only Active members may sponsor students in auditions and receive CPE credit. If you continue to teach more than 20 hours privately, you should maintain an Active membership.
- College Students: For those who are full-time college students (even if you are student teaching). This membership does not allow you to earn CPE credit or enter students in competition. If you are employed to teach music 20 or more hours per week, including private lessons, you should maintain Active membership, even if you are concurrently taking upper-level college courses.
Membership Restrictions
TMEA membership is not available for a person who has entered a plea of no contest or has been convicted of any illegal activity involving a student or other minor, including but not limited to sexual or physical abuse of a student or other minor.